Practice Begins
Monday November 18th
Youth Practice Begins
Monday November 18th
Tuesday after school, report to the wrestling room and get your information entered into the data base, head to the locker room to get a locker, and then head back to the room to get going.
Floyd Farrand Wrestling Tournament
· Mondays / Thursdays 6:00 – 7:30 for the advanced group. This will consist of any wrestler that feels confident that they know the basic fundamentals of wrestling as well as have the correct attitude and attention span as to not be a distraction from the rest of the class. They should have a good understanding of correct stance, takedowns, defense, starting positions, pinning combos etc…and be expected to take practices serious.
· Thursdays 6:00 - 7:00 for the beginner group. This will consist of 1st / 2nd year wresters, or anyone else for that matter, that are looking to learn the basics building blocks of becoming a good wrestler.
· With the days that coaches have available, we are looking at having a combined practice on Thursdays. We will likely warm up & review the basics as a group, then split up to focus on drills relevant to each groups skillset. Further practice opportunities will be available for the beginners as the season progresses.
Youth Tournaments
Lincoln Youth Tournament
Upcoming dates to remember
11/18: Registration / Practice 6:00 pm – advanced group: Registration followed by light introductory practice.
11/21: Registration / Practice 6:00 pm – beginner & advanced group: Registration followed by light introductory practice.
12/29: Lincoln Youth Tournament at LHS – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. Start thinking about how you can help.
3/7: Districts at LHS – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. Start thinking about how you can help.